An economic analysis of Iranian petroleum contract

Following three generations of buyback contracts, the new model of Iranian petroleum contracts (IPC) was introduced by the Iranian cabinet to incentivize investments in the country. This paper analyzes the fiscal terms of the contract with technical information from one of the candidate fields for licensing. The financial simulation shows that, in general, the IPC resembles more a service contract than a production sharing contract as the contractor’s take is relatively low—below 5% across different scenarios of crude oil price. Second, the IPC is progressive in that as the overall profitability of the project improves the government takes an increasing share of the economic rent. The results are confirmed in a sensitivity analysis of each party’s profitability and takes on oil price, CAPEX, OPEX and the fee.

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1 Introduction

Iran has the one of the largest oil reserves in the world. Footnote 1 Traditionally, Iran has relied on buyback contracts for awarding upstream petroleum licenses to international oil companies. A buyback contract is essentially a service contract under which a foreign company develops an oil or gas deposit and recovers its costs and a pre-negotiated remuneration fee from sales revenues, but has no share in the project’s profit. Once the field starts production, the investment is handed over to National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) who will take over the operation of the field Footnote 2 (van Groenendaal and Mazraati 2006). It was first adopted by the Iranian government in 1993. For more than 20 years, the buyback contract was the main apparatus of petroleum licensing in Iran.

Technically speaking, a buyback contract is a type of risk service contract in that all costs are born by the foreign company who can only recover its costs and the agreed remuneration if the field produces at its agreed level and the price is high enough. In other words, the foreign company’s cost recovery and remuneration depends on the field’s performance. The terms of the buyback contract had been revised three times by the national oil company resulting in three generations of buyback contracts (Maddahinasab 2017). Despite these alterations, Iran was not very successful in raising the required investment for its petroleum industry. An oft-voiced critique from international oil and gas companies is that the period of the contractor’s involvement in the field is so short, usually between 5 and 7 years, that Iran’s oil and gas recovery will not be optimized, as the contractor is not incentivized to maximize the long-term recovery. Footnote 3

In order to attract foreign investment to the oil and gas sector, in 2017 the Iranian government introduced a new generation of upstream oil and gas contracts called Iranian petroleum contract (IPC) with more rewarding conditions to foreign investors. In this new framework, the Iranian authorities sought to rectify the deficiencies of the buyback contract. For example, the term of the contract is extended to a maximum of 20 years from the start of development. If enhanced oil recovery projects are to be implemented, the term can extend up to another 5 years and if exploration is included in the contract, then that period will be added to the contract. Footnote 4 The remuneration fee within the IPC framework is based on production rate and set as a fee per barrel of oil or per cubic foot of gas. In contrast, the fee was paid as a percentage of total capital costs under the buyback contract, which could lead to the so-called gold plating. Footnote 5 Elements of progressivity such as an R-factor are also included in the IPC remuneration scheme.

What are the implications of the new IPC framework to investors? Is the fiscal regime under the IPC framework progressive or regressive? To what extent the IPC resembles the traditional buyback contract or the more prevalent production sharing agreement? These questions are the focus of this paper.

Since the Iranian government revealed its plans of setting up a new contract in 2015, a number of papers have analyzed the contract terms, mostly from a legal and contractual perspective, focusing on such issues as the similarities and differences between the IPC, the buyback and production sharing contracts; risk sharing mechanisms, and the progressivity of the IPC. See, for example, Shahri (2015), Ebrahimi and Shahmoradi (2017), Maddahinasab (2017) and Asgharian (2017). Very few papers have focused on the financial implications of the IPC to the investor and the host government with the exception of Soleimani and Tavakolian (2017) and Sahebhonar et al. (2016). Footnote 6 Soleimani and Tavakolian (2017) compare the efficiency of the buyback contract to that of IPC using a number of financial metrics including the government take, the net present value (NPV), the internal rate of return (IRR), discounted payback period and the present value ratio. Although the paper ran several scenarios, it does not give a clear explanation of many of the underlying assumptions such as the capital expenditure, the operating expenditure. It is also unclear why the NPV and IRR of the contractor (in all cases of small, medium and large field) remain almost unaffected when the price scenarios change. Sahebhonar et al. (2016) deal with the financial aspects of the IPC using an Iranian offshore field in the Caspian Sea region, however, since it focuses on a specific type of fields (deep offshore), the generality of its results is limited.

This paper focuses on the financial implications of the IPC to the host government and investors. We calculate the “take” statistic, which shows the division of profits between the host government and the investor over the life cycle of the contract, and analyzes how it changes under different oil price scenarios. The analysis is illustrated using a financial model with technical information from the third phase development of a real oil field located in the South of Iran. The results demonstrate that, in general, the IPC is progressive that as the overall profitability of the project improves the government takes an increasing share of the economic rent. A sensitivity analysis of each party’s profitability and ‘takes’ on oil price, the base remuneration fee, the capital expenditure and the operating expenditure further corroborates this result.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. After the introduction, Sect. 2 describes the fiscal arrangements of the IPC. Section 3 presents the model setup and assumptions for key parameters and scenarios. The results of financial modeling as well as a sensitivity analysis are reported in Sect. 4. Section 5 concludes.

2 The fiscal arrangement of IPC

In contrast to the buyback contract under which the investor does not play any role in the production phase, under the IPC the foreign company is allowed to participate in all phases of upstream activities including exploration, development and production. The investor recovers all its accrued costs from the proceeds of oil and gas from the field. In addition, it also benefits from the profit of the field via a per barrel remuneration fee. Figure 1 illustrates the division of the total revenue between the investor and the government. The details of each cost item and the remuneration fee are discussed below.

figure 1

2.1 The cost categories of IPC