English phonetics and phonology a practical course second edition pdf

English Phonetics and Phonology was first published in 1983. The Fourth Edition was published in 2009, and is used as a course-book around the world.

The book has its own website, which contains some useful material including extra interactive exercises based on the book, advice on relevant free material on other websites and a Glossary that is in effect a small reference book of basic terms in phonetics and phonology. This can be downloaded free of charge. The official website hosted by Cambridge University Press is at www.cambridge.org/elt/peterroach . The design has recently been changed and is rather difficult to follow. I am therefore planning to put some useful material on a new page on this site, called RESOURCES.

The latest development in the life of the book is the publication in 2013 of an "enhanced ebook" edition. This is available through Apple's iBook store for use on the iPad, iPhone or iPod. An Android version was added in 2017. Although the text is the same as the printed book, all examples are printed in colour and when they are tapped the user hears my voice pronouncing them. All the exercise material has been rewritten to work well with this new format. Cambridge University Press have produced a promotional video about this ebook that can be seen on YouTube here.